
The World

Elephant Bones Suggest Neanderthals Gathered in Large Groups
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NEUWIED, GERMANY—Neanderthals may have formed much larger social groups than
Tudor Pendant Recovered in English Field
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WARWICKSHIRE, ENGLAND—The Guardian reports that a metal detectorist has discovered
Anomalies Detected in Walls Surrounding Ancient Capital in China
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XI’AN, CHINA—Science News reports that high-resolution muon scans of the 650-year-old
Excavation of Anglo-Saxon Monastery Offers Clues to Viking Raids
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KENT, ENGLAND—According to a statement released by the University of
Underground Roman Aqueduct Explored Near Naples
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NAPLES, ITALY—Live Science reports that Graziano Ferrari and his colleagues
Did Neanderthals Keep Hunting Trophies?
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MADRID, SPAIN—According to a Phys.org report, a large number of
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