
The World

How Did Homo Sapiens Make Clothes?
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BORDEAUX, FRANCE—According to a Haaretz report, Homo sapiens may have used
Bronze Age and Roman Era Remains Unearthed in Cornwall
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NEWQUAY, ENGLAND—According to a statement released by Cornwall Council, archaeologists excavating
Coastal species persist on high seas on floating plastic debris
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The high seas have been colonized by a surprising number
Environmental toxin PCB found in deep sea trench
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PCB has been banned in most countries since the 1970s,
Less ice, fewer calling seals
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For several years, a team of researchers from the Alfred
New approach estimates long-term coastal cliff loss
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In parts of California's iconic mountainous coasts, breathtaking beauty is
Unpredictable Rainfall May Have Helped Destabilized Ancient Maya Societies
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UXBENKA, BELIZE—An interdisciplinary team has discovered that unpredictable changes in
Apollo Gemstone Ring Unearthed in England
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ESSEX, ENGLAND—BBC News reports that a metal detectorist found a
Tomb of Amun Temple Steward Discovered in Saqqara
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CAIRO, EGYPT—Ahram Online reports that the 3,000-year-old tomb of Panehsy,
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