
The World

Perfect ‘pathogen’ storm: Vibrio bacteria, Sargassum and plastic marine debris
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A new study uncovers how the interplay between Sargassum spp.,
New use for A.I.: Correctly estimating fish stocks
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For the first time, anewly published artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm
South Africa’s Ice Age Landscape Reevaluated
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ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN—According to a statement released by the University
Unusual Bronze Dagger Discovered in Poland
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LUBLIN, POLAND—Science in Poland reports that a 3,500-year-old bronze dagger
Megalithic Tomb Explored in Southern Spain
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ANTEQUERA, SPAIN—According to a Live Science report, a 5,400-year-old megalithic
New Thoughts on Migration in Ancient Mexico
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ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA—Phys.org reports that Viridiana Villa-Islas of the National Autonomous
A better way to study ocean currents
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To study ocean currents, scientists release GPS-tagged buoys in the
Impact of ancient earthquake revealed
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By combining the scientific powerhouses of genetics and geology, University
Roman Architectural Elements Recovered in the Mediterranean Sea
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NETANYA, ISRAEL—According to an I24 News report, a swimmer spotted
4,000-Year-Old Temple Unearthed in Western Peru
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LIMA, PERU—ABC News Australia reports that a U-shaped temple has
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