
The World

Tracking ships’ icy paths amidst climate change
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There has been much buzz about the warming planet's melting
Study Pushes Back Processing of Plant Fibers in Southeast Asia
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QUEZON CITY, PHILIPPINES—According to a Cosmos Magazine report, evidence for
Shang-Dynasty Town Discovered in Northern China
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SHAANXI PROVINCE, CHINA—Traces of a Bronze Age town covering more
What Did Italy’s Neanderthals Eat?
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MONTREAL, QUEBEC—According to a statement released by the University of
Lasering lava to forecast volcanic eruptions
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University of Queensland researchers have optimised a new technique to
Ancient Greek Altar Unearthed in Sicily
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ROME, ITALY—Reuters reports that an altar has been unearthed in
Earth’s Inner Core: Earth’s solid metal sphere is ‘textured’
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At the center the Earth is a solid metal ball,
World’s most threatened seabirds visit remote plastic pollution hotspots
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The extensive study assessed the movements of 7,137 individual birds
Water storage capacity in oceanic crust slabs increases with age, researchers find
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An international research team has discovered that a subduction zone's
Mesoamerican Stone Yoke Recovered in Austria
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MEXICO CITY, MEXICO—According to a report in The Art Newspaper,
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