
The World

Well-Preserved Medieval Town Explored in Poland
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BARCZEWKO, POLAND—Science in Poland reports that an excavation conducted at
Use of Coal in Bronze Age China Examined
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LANZHOU, CHINA—According to a Phys.org report, people in northwestern China
Drops of seawater contain traces of an ancient world
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Sea salt hides a secret: tiny droplets of the seawater
Land-sea relationship is major driver of coral reef health outcomes
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Climate change has long been considered as one of the
Telecommunications cable used to track sea ice extent in the Arctic
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A telecommunications fiber optic cable deployed offshore of Oliktok Point,
An early warning system for joint heat and ozone extremes in China
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High temperatures exacerbate ground-level ozone production, resulting in a deadly
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THE NETHERLANDS: A large 4,000-year-old sanctuary outside the town of
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PERU: The Chimú civilization had a long-standing conflict with their
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LAOS: When modern humans first journeyed toward Australia, they stopped
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THE PHILIPPINES: It’s difficult to ascertain how long humans have
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