
The World

Predator-prey defense mechanisms unlock key to marine biofuel production
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Researchers have unpicked the mechanism behind a marine feeding strategy
The Medusa of Mérida
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While digging in a large Roman house in the Spanish
The Queen’s Jewels
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By JARRETT A. LOBELL Archaeologists excavating the tombs of pharaohs,
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ALASKA: Rare fragments of 3,000-year-old artifacts found on Kodiak Island
The Benin Bronzes’ Secret Ingredient
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Between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries, the Edo people of
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AUSTRIA: Due to salt’s invaluable use in food preservation and
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MICHIGAN: Divers recovered the engine of a P-39 Airacobra that
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INDONESIA: Although separated by miles of ocean, three island communities
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KAZAKHSTAN: A unique Bronze Age pyramid was unearthed at the
Uneasy Allies
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Pedro Escalante is one of the few people who can
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