
The World

Researchers identify unique survival strategies adopted by fish in the world’s warmest waters
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A team of researchers have identified unexpected ways coral reef
Investigating newly discovered hydrothermal vents at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard
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Hydrothermal vents are seeps on the sea floor from which
Climate change to shift tropical rains northward
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A study led by a UC Riverside atmospheric scientist predicts
Projected loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change
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Researchers predict that climate change will drive a substantial redistribution
Antarctic ice shelves hold twice as much meltwater as previously thought
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Slush -- water-soaked snow -- makes up more than half
Researchers address ocean paradox with 55 gallons of fluorescent dye
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For the first time, researchers from UC San Diego's Scripps
El Niño forecasts extended to 18 months with innovative physics-based model
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As more attention is drawn to possible severe weather around
Iceland’s volcano eruptions may last decades
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Iceland's ongoing volcanic eruptions may continue on and off for
Underwater mountains have a big impact on ocean circulation
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Colossal undersea mountains, towering up to thousands of metres high,
Much of the Nord Stream gas remained in the sea
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Much of the methane released into the southern Baltic Sea
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