
The World

500-Year-Old Christian Artifacts Recovered in Sweden

Sweden Gold RingKALMAR, SWEDEN—According to a Miami Herald report, a gold ring dated to the fifteenth century was discovered in a trash heap during a large-scale excavation in Kalmar, a city located on the coast of southeastern Sweden that dates back to the thirteenth century. The ring bears what is thought to be a Christian image of the face of Jesus Christ. The excellent condition of the small ring, thought to have been worn by a woman, suggests it had been nearly new when it was lost. Researchers also uncovered an alsengem, or pilgrim’s amulet, from the trash. Only the lower half of the glass object, which shows parts of three figures, was found. To read about an island where astronomer Tycho Brahe conducted his research, go to "Off the Grid: Ven, Sweden."