
The World

Stacks of Bones Unearthed in Western Mexico

Mexico Skeletal RemainsNAYARIT, MEXICO—Stacks of human bones were discovered during a construction project in western Mexico, according to a Live Science report. The burial is estimated to be about 1,500 years old, based upon ceramic vessels and figurines recovered at the site. Claudia Servín Rosas of Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) said that all of the remains were buried at the same time. One complete skeleton has been identified, along with the bones of other individuals. Long leg bones were found in one section, while seven complete skulls were found in another, she added. All of the skulls, some of which had been modified, belonged to men of various ages. The remains will be preserved for analysis. To read about skulls embedded in a wall at Mexico City's Aztec temple complex, go to "A Circle of Skulls."