
The World

5,500-Year-Old City Gate Uncovered in Israel

Israel Tel Erani Gate OverviewKIRYAT GAT, ISRAEL—i24 News reports that a city gate dated to the Early Bronze Age has been unearthed in southern Israel at Tel Erani by a team of researchers led by Emily Bischoff of the Israel Antiquities Authority. The gate consists of a 5,500-year-old passageway made of large, imported stones and thousands of mud bricks. Its presence at the site suggests that process of urbanization began earlier than previously thought. “It’s the first time people go from living all over the region to living inside the city walls,” Bischoff said. The Tel Erani gate is about 300 years older than a gate at Tel Arad, another site in the region. For more on archaeology in Israel, go to "Mask Metamorphosis."