
The World

Paddle Recovered From Chancay Culture Tomb in Peru

LIMA, PERU—BBC News Mundo reports that a tomb belonging to the Chancay culture has been discovered at the site of the Matacón cemetery, which is located on the coast of central Peru. The tomb is thought to be between 1,200 and 1,400 years old, making it the oldest to be unearthed in the cemetery. Five relatives or servants had been sacrificed and buried in the tomb alongside its high-ranking owner. The remains of four llamas, 25 vessels, and a paddle were also recovered. Although the investigation continues, researchers led by archaeologist Pieter Van Dalen Luna think that the paddle suggests the deceased, dubbed “Lord of the Waters,” was involved in fishing, shell fishing, or some type of marine activity. To read about a coastal capital built by the Chimú some 1,000 years ago, go to "Peru's Great Urban Experiment."