
The World

3,500-Year-Old Cairn Discovered in Finland

Finland Haaga CairnTURKU, FINLAND—YLE News reports that a Bronze Age monument was discovered on Finland’s southwestern coast during an archaeological survey. The pile of stones, which now measures about 30 feet long, 20 feet wide, and about one foot tall, is situated on the highest point of a hill overlooking the Aura River. Researchers led by Juha Ruohonen of the University of Turku suggest that when built, this cairn was probably taller and more compact. It may have marked a grave, or could have been built as a display of control over an area. Two stones incised with small, cup-like markings were identified near the cairn. To read about preserved organic material that was found in an 8,000-year-old grave in Majoonsuo, go to "Around the World: Finland."

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