
The World

November 2023
Rare Ovarian Tumor Discovered in Egyptian New Kingdom Burial
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CARBONDALE, ILLINOIS—A team of scientists led by bioarchaeologist Gretchen Dabbs
Timbers of Fifteenth-Century Newport Ship Analyzed
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NEWPORT, WALES—According to a BBC News report, oxygen isotope dendrochronology
2,500-Year-Old Tomb of Egyptian Royal Scribe Explored in Abusir
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CAIRO, EGYPT—Ahram Online reports that a tomb dated to between
Neolithic Mass Grave May Offer Evidence of Large-Scale Warfare
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VALLADOLID, SPAIN—According to a statement released by the Nature Publishing
A different take on phosphorus: Bacteria use organic phosphorus and release methane in the process
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Off Barbados, researchers from Bremen have investigated how bacteria inadvertently
Device ‘smells’ seawater to discover, detect novel molecules
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Under the ocean's surface, marine organisms are constantly releasing invisible
New dates for landslides reveal past Seattle fault earthquakes
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New maps of more than 1,000 deep-seated landslides in the
Thousands of Bronze Coins Discovered in Sardinia
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ROME, ITALY—According to an Associated Press report, a coin spotted
Possible 3,000-Year-Old Meeting Hall Uncovered in Germany
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BERLIN, GERMANY—Traces of a hall measuring more than 100 feet
Did These Buried Sheep Pull an Ancient Chariot?
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SHAANXI PROVINCE, CHINA—According to a China Daily report, the remains
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