
The World

3,000-Year-Old Human Remains Discovered in Lima

LIMA, PERU—BBC News reports that human remains estimated to be 3,000 years old have been discovered by a team of researchers led by Miguel Aguilar of National University of San Marcos at a Manchay temple site in the city of Lima. The site was inhabited by the Manchay people from about 1500 to 1000 B.C. The body had been wrapped in cloth made from cotton and vegetable fibers and placed in a tomb in the center of a U-shaped temple. Aguilar suggests that the person may have been offered as a sacrifice during the last phase of the temple’s construction. To read about the mummified remains of a man found in northern Peru, go to "Tomb of the Craftworkers," one of ARCHAEOLOGY's Top 10 Discoveries of 2022.