
The World

Mesolithic Human Remains Discovered in Northern England

England Shell BeadCUMBRIA, ENGLAND—BBC News reports that one set of human remains and a shell bead recovered from northern England’s Heaning Wood Bone Cave have been dated to 11,000 years ago. Rick Peterson of the University of Central Lancashire said that this individual would have been a pioneer reoccupying the region after the end of the Ice Age. The previously oldest-known human remains found in northern England, which were discovered at Kent’s Bank Cavern in 2013, had been dated to 10,000 years ago. Heaning Wood Bone Cave held at least eight burials, Peterson added. “Some of them came back [dated] from the Bronze Age, some of them were Neolithic which is about 6,000 years ago,” he said. To read about an 11,000-year-old engraved shale pendant unearthed in North Yorkshire, go to "Mesolithic Markings."